OCR Software for Pledge and Sponsorship Sheets Processing

Load Pledge and Sponsorship Sheets images

Get one page or a batch of Pledge and Sponsorship Sheets images in TIFF or other specific formats from any appointment folders.

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Pledge and Sponsorship Sheets Template

Template function is for the purpose to extract data from pre-defined location on the Pledge and Sponsorship Sheets image.
The Pledge and Sponsorship Sheets template design module helps the user define the template with pre-defined location and the reading template before Pledge and Sponsorship Sheets processing. The key zones for Pledge and Sponsorship Sheets respective field rules (Features) are defined by the user, which will be used to determine the Pledge and Sponsorship Sheets type of an input image.

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Pledge and Sponsorship Sheets OCR Engine

When click Recognize button, a dialog box will pop up. Which let user to choose a template file accordant with Pledge and Sponsorship Sheets, and will automatically recognize current images and extract all data in the respective fields, and then the results will display on the right fields.

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Verify Pledge and Sponsorship Sheets OCR Results

This module is the final step to allow OCR result reach 100% accuracy with human verification and proofing. The proofing tool can display both image and value on same window for human verification. A float boxes and some validation rules can be setup to help user check the value quickly.
To proof intermediate OCR results in the temporary directory, user can call batch proofing function to verify OCR results page by page. The verified OCR results will be marked “verified” flag and saved in the temporary directory.

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Export Pledge and Sponsorship Sheets Results

After processing and proofing all images in one batch, user can export the final OCR results into a group of XML files or other formats that can be converted or imported to Client’s accounting system database.

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